
Lebanon Business News

Dedicated to economic and business news on Lebanon, managed by the team of Lebanon Opportunities.


Ministry of Social Affairs

Rental law modified by Parliament. Changes to fund’s legal structure, incl udes more beneficiaries


Parliament has ratified modifications to the rental law. The original rental law went into force in 2014.

The ratification has produced two main modifications: The fair lease value of apartments has been reduced from five to four percent of a….
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$2.8 billion needed for Syrian refugees. Taskforce includes public sector, donors, NGOs


Ministry of Social Affairs (MSA) is preparing to launch the Lebanon Crisis Response Plan 2017-2020. A joint task force was formed including MSA, international organizations, donor country representatives, and a select number of NGOs. The plan has as….
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$1.3 billion received to deal with refugee crisis. Most allocations by donors are for the education sector


More than half of the funds that the Government asked for this year to implement the yearly Lebanese Crisis Response Plan (LCRP) have been committed.

Hala Helou, international affairs advisor to the Ministry of Social Affairs, said: “We have ….
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$11 billion to manage Syrian refugee crisis. Five-year plan to be presented during London donor conference


The Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) has prepared an $11 billion plan to manage Syrian refugees.

The plan was put together by MoSA, in collaboration with the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the Ministry of Education, and the Council ….
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