
Lebanon Business News

Dedicated to economic and business news on Lebanon, managed by the team of Lebanon Opportunities.



$2.6 billion in assistance sought to support refugees. There will be no funding in the coming budget. News from Lebanon


The 2019 Lebanon Crisis Response Plan (LCRP) calls for $2.6 billion for the provision of direct humanitarian assistance and protection of highly vulnerable people in the country.

Around 40 percent of the needs that LCRP covers are for basic a….
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$563 million from UN to Lebanon in 2019. 22 percent increase. News from Lebanon


Lebanon will receive $563 million in aid from the UN next year, according to the updated UN Global Appeal 2019 report, which was released this month.

The UN’s 2019 aid for Lebanon is 22 percent larger than the preceding year’s support, which ….
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Needs of refugee crisis get 45 percent funding. Over one million people received food assistance. News from Lebanon


Lebanon has received $1.24 billion, or 45 percent of its 2017 appeal for a response plan drawn up to mitigate the impact of Syrian refugees, according to the Inter-Agency Coordination Office annual report.

The response to the Syrian crisis i….
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Net economic loss due to Syrian crisis: $9.8 billion. InfoPro book wraps up the repercussions on major sectors. News from Lebanon


The net impact of the Syrian crisis has cost Lebanon’s most productive sectors $9.8 billion, according to a detailed study published by InfoPro on Tuesday.

‘Economic Impact of the Syrian Crisis on Lebanon’ compares the current economic situat….
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$4.4 billion pledged in Brussels for Syria and its neighbors. Government committed to expanding the tracking system, monitoring, and evaluation. News from Lebanon


Participants in the second Brussels conference on ‘Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region’ pledged $4.4 billion for 2018 for Syria and its neighboring countries, as well as multi-year pledges of $3.4 billion for 2019-2020. The promised amount….
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